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BTL Emsculpt Neo For Sale


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BTL Emsculpt Neo

Device manufacturer BTL Aesthetics has launched the EMSCULPT NEO body contouring device, combining radiofrequency heating and high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) waves.

BTL Emsculpt Neo


Generation of heat by means of radio frequency fields alternating with the magnetic field

When magnetic field therapy was introduced to the market years ago by the BTL company under the name Emsculpt, they were groundbreaking.

For the first time in aesthetics, it was possible to use a magnetic field to address the so-called motor neurons of the skeletal muscles directly using a magnetic field, with the aim of bodyforming.

So you could use the magnetic field to move the muscle to contracture with suitable frequencies.

With the correspondingly fast pulse frequencies, the muscle could be brought to permanent tension (tetany).

The training effects that can be achieved through these magnetic fields are striking. In several studies that were done with these magnetic fields and that were checked with all important imaging methods, there has always been muscle growth of over 15 percent.

This applies to checking with ultrasound, magnetic resonance procedures, but also in computed tomography.

At the same time, the fat was reduced in an even higher percentage. The Emsculpt therapy was groundbreaking.

In the first few years it was almost impossible to get such devices in Europe and they were therefore kept for research purposes in various research centers, for example in the Bochum University Dermatology Clinic.

In the course of time, applicators for the buttocks and the abdomen were also added for the arms.


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